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How To Use The Color Blue To Create A Coastal Design

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Today, coastal designs are increasingly popular. This is likely because they evoke feelings of relaxation and vacation. If you’re looking to create a coastal design for your home, one of the best ways to do so is by using the color blue. The color blue is often associated with water, which makes it the perfect choice for a coastal design. In fact, painting a room blue can help you create a coastal look with little effort, particularly if you hire a professional to paint. Read More»

Exterior Paint Upgrades—Repairs, Cleaning Steps, And Product Selection

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A heavy impact or weather variables could weaken an exterior surface and cause the paint to chip or fade prematurely. A commercial painting project should entail cleaning and repairing exposed surfaces. A painting contractor can advise on choosing superior paint products that are moisture and thermal resistant. Cleaning Steps And Damage Essentials Painting over dirty and damaged surfaces will affect how smooth, fresh paint will look once it has dried. Often, preliminary repair steps will require that surfaces are stripped back to the original material that a structure is made of. Read More»

Top Reasons To Always Prepare Surfaces Before Residential Exterior Painting

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Residential exterior painting will greatly increase your home’s curb appeal. Additionally, a coat of paint protects your home’s exterior against the elements. Preparation is a crucial step in ensuring you enjoy these benefits of home exterior painting. From repairs to surface scraping, washing, sanding, and priming, every step in the preparation stage is critical for the following reasons. 1. Better Paint Appearance Residential exterior painting products will look their best when the surface is well prepared. Read More»

What Accent Colors To Paint With Brown Walls

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If you are thinking about painting a room brown, you may face some struggles making sure that you play up the color so that it looks great in any lighting and with any furniture. Other colors can help you achieve that effect. If you’re looking for great paint colors to pair with brown, here are some fabulous options to consider. Light Green A light green can help to brighten up a room with brown walls. Read More»

4 Consequences Of Using The Wrong Carpet Cleaning Products

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Not only is a dirty and smelly carpet unsightly, but it can also cause respiratory issues and allergies. That is why in an attempt to keep your carpet clean, you may look for a quick fix—the cleaning products you have always seen at your local store. Unfortunately, this seemingly quick and cheap solution may turn out to be the worst decision you have ever made. Before you rush to your nearest store, be sure to keep the following dangers of using the wrong carpet cleaning products in mind. Read More»

Everything You Need To Know About Paint Bubbling On Your Wall

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Paint bubbling on your exterior wall is definitely not a good look. In fact, it’s downright unsightly. But what causes this problem, and more importantly, how can you fix it? Read on to find out everything you need to know about paint bubbling on your wall.  What Causes Paint Bubbling on Your Wall? A few different things can cause paint to bubble on your wall. One possibility is that the paint was not mixed properly before it was applied to the wall. Read More»

Why You Might Need To Do Exterior Commercial Painting For Your Property

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When you own commercial property, you want it to look as good as possible to be a welcoming place for your tenants and guests. As time goes on, however, your building’s exterior can start to show signs of wear that could downgrade its appearance and lead visitors to wonder what other imperfections they might find once they’re inside your building. Sprucing up your building with exterior commercial painting has several benefits, including attracting more business. Read More»

4 Reasons To Hire Professional House Painters

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If you want to paint the outside of your house this year, you should consider a high-ranked professional house painter team to take on the task. Working with professional house painters offers many advantages over tackling the project on your own. Your House Will be Properly Prepared When you hire a team of professional painters, they will take the time to prepare your house before they paint it properly. They are painting the outside of your home, which means doing things such as scraping away chipped paint, applying primer, removing window screens, and covering plants around your house. Read More»

Managing Your Home's Next Painting Project

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The paint is an important feature of your home’s interior and exterior. Unfortunately, the paint is one of the least durable parts of the house, and this will lead to it needing to be periodically replaced. Regularly Clean The Exterior Paint The exterior paint for your home can become extremely dirty over the years. This can have a number of effects. One of the most obvious will be the paint’s appearance deteriorating. Read More»

5 Prep Tips For Successful Commercial Exterior Painting

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Repainting the exterior of your commercial building requires a bit of pre-work planning if you want to ensure a smooth and attractive job. The following tips can help you prep for the painting crew. 1. Manage Landscaping Landscaping can interfere with a good exterior paint job. If shrubs and border beds are growing right up against the wall, it makes it difficult for a painter to put on an even coating behind all the plants. Read More»